Welcome friends. Welcome to our truly loyal Saab resource. First of all, please read the main regulations of our forum. This document regulates the rules for using the SAAB forum (further: the forum) and the placement of materials on it. The document is compiled by the Forum Administration and is fundamental in resolving any conflicts arising from the use of the forum. These rules are binding for all forum participants. Terms of use of the forum are the guarantor of free and cultural communication on the forum. The use of the forum is evidence of the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this document. The messages on the forum reflect the personal opinion of their authors. Administration of the forum is not responsible for the content of messages. The terms Topic: original message (question) and answers (comments) to the message. The topic has a title that is indicated when the message is posted. The title briefly describes the content of the original message, and the subject discussed in the topic. Section: a set of topics on a specific topic. Category: a set of sections on a specific topic. Forum: a set of all existing sections of the forum. Saaber: any person who has passed the registration procedure and has accepted the rules for using the forum. Guest: a person who has not passed the registration procedure, but who wishes to read forum messages. Registration: the procedure for creating a forum member account. At the same time, the participant voluntarily disclose certain personal information (E-mail, ICQ, etc.) and assign the user an identifier and a password for further identification. Administration: the guide and ideological inspirers of the resource SAAB.ONE Moderators: authorized representatives of the Administration carrying out control over the implementation of the rules for using the forum, as well as performing work on the development and availability of the resource. Warning: warning the participant for violating the rules of using the forum. Ban: disconnects the participant from the forum by name (identifier), E-mail address and / or IP address (IP subnets). Recommendations for the forum participants: I. Before the publication of a new message, use the search engine on the forum - maybe the question you are interested in has already been discussed. Often it is possible for 10-20 minutes to find the answer to a question without asking it. It's much better than asking a question and waiting for an unknown amount of time. Also, look at the sections of the site that relate to the question of interest to you, there is a possibility that the topic has already been discussed. II. If you are asking a question, in the message, try to best describe your interest or problem. Remember, the clearer and more detailed the question is, the sooner you will get an answer. Correctly formulated question is half the answer. III. If you made a mistake, put a message in the wrong section, made an unnecessary copy, etc., do not write any additional messages with requests to fix the error, apologies and other, click the "report a report" button and explain the reason. IV. If the discussion has gradually shifted from one topic to another, it's best to create a new topic in the appropriate section. Respect other participants - by the name of topics they determine their content. V. Do not disclose your access password to the forum. If on your behalf someone writes an offensive message or false information, then it will be practically impossible to prove your non-participation in this message. 1. SAAB.ONE Rules 1.1. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt from liability for their violation. After confirming the registration in the forum, you automatically agree with the rules. 1.2. The owner of the account is responsible for any actions in the forum, regardless of who performed the actions under this account. 1.3. Users should show mutual respect for each other. 1.4. It is forbidden to disrespect the forum participants. 1.5. Public discussion of actions of administration and forum moderators is forbidden. If you have any questions or any discontent about the actions of the forum management, please let us know in the special topic in the forum rules section, you will be sure to answer. 1.6. It is forbidden to publish the content of personal messages with anyone without the prior consent of the other party. 1.7. It is forbidden to advertise sexually or indirectly. 1.8. For all forums, except FLOOD, sending messages not according to the content of the forum / topic (off topic) is prohibited. In all conferences, except for FLOOD, a flood is prohibited (meaningless, nothing expressing a repetition, repeated repetition of identical symbols, messages, messages consisting of one smiley (except for situations of congratulations or condolences) or messages not carrying any semantic load). 1.9. The manifestations of religious, racial, sexual and other intolerance and / or discrimination are prohibited. 1.10. It is forbidden to use abusive words in any language, insulting attacks and other utterances that offend the dignity of the forum users, in any part of the message - headline, text, signature, etc. The use of "disguised abusive words" - with the substitution of letters, etc., with the purpose of offending is also prohibited. 1.11. It is prohibited to provoke forum users to violate these forum rules. 1.12. It is prohibited to publish messages that cause moral or any other damage to any person (legal or physical). 1.13. It is prohibited that publication of commercial advertisements in messages, profiles and avatars, inconsistent with the forum administrator. It is also prohibited to use the forum as an advertising and information portal for political parties and public organizations. 1.14. The message should be placed in the section corresponding to its content. 1.15. The message should have a title (topic name), which briefly reveals the contents of the message. Headlines in the style of "Mom, Help! .." or "Question !!!" Are from this point of view wrong. 1.16. It is forbidden to use "Caps Lock" (all capital letters) when writing the names of topics and messages. 1.17. Any commercial use of forum materials is prohibited. 1.18. It is forbidden to use the names of users, similar to the names of other users, in order to give them themselves and write messages on their behalf. 1.19. Propaganda of alcohol, drugs and other unhealthy lifestyles is prohibited in any form, including nicknames, signatures, user profile fields and avatars. 1.20. It is forbidden to create and use clones (duplicates) 1.21. Unauthorized moderation is prohibited. If you want to make a comment to the participant on compliance issues, then inform the moderator by clicking the "Complaint" button. 2. The rights of forum moderators. 2.1. In cases of non-compliance by participants with the rules of participation in the forum, the moderators have the right to change, delete and move topics and messages to another section, block access to the forum (ban) that violated the rules for using the forum. 2.2. Moderators decide on the prevention and / or bath of a participant if the forum rules are not respected by the latter. 3. The rights of the forum administration. 3.1. The administration has all rights to the content of the forum and can use it in any way, undertaking to mention the source and name (pseudonym) of the author of the information. 3.2. The administration has absolute priority in making any decisions concerning the forum. 3.3. The administration of the forum does not bear any responsibility for the messages of users. A responsibility. Responsibility in the form of scores is for violation of any point of the rules of using the forum. For multiple violations of the forum rules, the user will be disconnected from the forum forever. But We always explain what you were punished for))) Sincerely, Administration SAAB.ONE Donate PayPal: social@saab.one